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Quantum Control of Gravity with Levitated Mechanics

QuCoM will explore the intricate interplay between quantum mechanics and gravity within a parameter range accessible for cost-effective table-top experiments. The project will achieve this by suspending sub millimetre-sized particles in carefully designed optical and magnetic traps. These suspended particles will then be used to detect gravitational forces in an unprecedented mass regime, opening new avenues in experimental physics. Additionally, QuCoM will investigate the fascinating realm of quantum superpositions, addressing scenarios where such masses are quantum mechanically delocalized in space. Supported by a substantial grant of 2.3 million Euros, the project is poised to address some of the most prominent theoretical proposals that combine quantum physics and gravity in nonstandard ways. By rigorously assessing the limits of validity of these proposals and further constraining the values of their parameters, QuCoM aims to make significant contributions to our understanding of the fundamental principles governing the universe.
QuCoM will explore the intricate interplay between quantum mechanics and gravity within a parameter range accessible for cost-effective table-top experiments. The project will achieve this by suspending sub millimetre-sized particles in carefully designed optical and magnetic traps. These suspended particles will then be used to detect gravitational forces in an unprecedented mass regime, opening new avenues in experimental physics. Additionally, QuCoM will investigate the fascinating realm of quantum superpositions, addressing scenarios where such masses are quantum mechanically delocalized in space. Supported by a substantial grant of 2.3 million Euros, the project is poised to address some of the most prominent theoretical proposals that combine quantum physics and gravity in nonstandard ways. By rigorously assessing the limits of validity of these proposals and further constraining the values of their parameters, QuCoM aims to make significant contributions to our understanding of the fundamental principles governing the universe.

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Latest Publications

102 entries « 1 of 26 »

Altamura, Davide Giordano Ario; Vinante, Andrea; Carlesso, Matteo

Improved bounds on collapse models from rotational noise of the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna Pathfinder mission Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. A, vol. 111, no. 2, 2025, ISSN: 2469-9934.

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Muffato, R.; Georgescu, T. S.; Homans, J.; Guerreiro, T.; Wu, Q.; Chisholm, D. A.; Carlesso, M.; Paternostro, M.; Ulbricht, H.

Generation of classical non-Gaussian states by squeezing a thermal state into nonlinear motion of levitated optomechanics Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Research, vol. 7, no. 1, 2025, ISSN: 2643-1564.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Gaona-Reyes, JL; Altamura, DGA; Bassi, A

Theoretical Limits of Protocols for Distinguishing Different Unravelings preprint


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Gundhi, Anirudh; Ulbricht, Hendrik

Measuring decoherence due to quantum vacuum fluctuations preprint


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102 entries « 1 of 26 »

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Project manager
Irene Spagnul
Department of Physics
University of Trieste


Co-funded by the European Commission’s
Horizon Europe Programme under GA 101046973

QuCoM-Quantum Control of Gravity with Levitated Mechanics © 2025. All Rights Reserved.