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10/9/2024 – 12/9/2024 – Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics 2024

University of Trieste, IT

10/9/2024 - 12/7/2024

Fourth school on quantum foundations dedicated to Prof. GianCarlo Ghirardi.

Quantum Mechanic is extremely successful in predicting experimental results and has a vast range of applications. Nonetheless, many unanswered questions remain. The school will introduce Master and PhD students to the still outstanding problems in our understanding of quantum foundations.
To give a deep look into the foundations of quantum mechanics, lectures will be given by experts in the field. An extensive time will be dedicated to selected contributed talks.


All the information about the conference can be found at


Project manager
Irene Spagnul
Department of Physics
University of Trieste


Co-funded by the European Commission’s
Horizon Europe Programme under GA 101046973

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