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Our research in published in PRL

Our paper “X-Ray Emission from Atomic Systems Can Distinguish between Prevailing Dynamical Wave-Function Collapse Models” published on Physical Review Letters.
The work proposes a novel method to test collapse models using X-ray emissions from atomic systems. These models challenge the standard quantum theory by offering explanations for why quantum superpositions don’t extend to larger objects. Significant deviations are observed compared to previous simplified models where emissions were either fully coherent (e.g., protons within the same nucleus) or fully incoherent (e.g., electrons). In this low-energy domain, the rate of spontaneous radiation is found to be highly dependent on the specific atomic species examined. This research shows that the radiation rate also varies with different  collapse models,

Project manager
Irene Spagnul
Department of Physics
University of Trieste


Co-funded by the European Commission’s
Horizon Europe Programme under GA 101046973

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