Event: Lisbon Philosophy of Physics Seminars Speaker: Angelo Bassi Place: Online Date: 19 Oct 2022
Event: A proposito di Futuro. Dialoghi tra Treccani Futura e Human Technopole su scienza e immaginario Speaker: Angelo Bassi Place: Online Date: 15 Nov 2022
Entropy 24(11), 1642 (2022)
Andrea Vinante, Chris Timberlake and Hendrik Ulbricht
Magnetically levitated microparticles have been proposed as mechanical sensors with extreme sensitivity. In particular, micromagnets levitated above a superconductor can achieve very low levels of dissipation and thermal noise. In this paper, we review recent initial experiments and discuss the potential for using these…
Event: Fisica Teorica all’INFN tra passato, presente e futuro Speaker: Angelo Bassi Place: Università Sapienza – Roma Date: 4 Nov2022
Event: Quantum Mechanics day – LNGS Speaker: Angelo Bassi Place: LNGS – Gran Sasso Date: 4 Nov 2022
Event: The Hitchhiker’s Advanced Guide to Quantum Collapse Models and their impact in science, philosophy, technology and biology Speaker: Angelo Bassi Place: LNF – Frascati Date: 3 Nov 2022
Event: International Conference on Quantum Technologies for High-Energy Physics Speaker: Angelo Bassi Place: CERN – Ginevra Date 2 Nov 2022
Partners have met on October 14, 2022 for the kick off meeting of the project. Local PIs and teams members were present. The meeting was chaired by Angelo Bassi, PI of QuCoM, who has given a presentation on general facts of the project, work plan, main objectives, structure of the management team, deliverables,…