Partners have met on October 14, 2022 for the kick off meeting of the project. Local PIs and teams members were present. The meeting was chaired by Angelo Bassi, PI of QuCoM, who has given a presentation on general facts of the project, work plan, main objectives, structure of the management team, deliverables,…
Event: Presentazione premio Nobel Fisica 2022 agli studenti dell’Università di Trieste Speaker: Angelo Bassi Place: Università di Trieste Date: 13 Oct 2022
Event: Seminar at the University of Marseille Speaker: Angelo Bassi Place: Online Date: 12 Oct 2022
Event: The Complexity of the Cosmos Speaker: Angelo Bassi Place: Online Date: 5 Oct 2022
4/10/2022 - 26/9/2022
The experimental partners of the QuCoM project have been meeting on a regular basis every second Tuesday of the month since the beginning of the project to update on developments of performing magnetic levitation experiments (materials, dimensions, magnetic shielding), design of two-mass gravity experiments, vibration isolation, data acquisition and analysis (electronics,…