Event: Physics Colloqium Speaker: Matteo Carlesso Place: University College Dublin, Ireland Date: 23 November 2023
Event: John Bell Day Lecture 2023
Speaker: Hendrik Ulbricht
Place: Online (QUB)
Date: 8 November 2023
Ario Altamura and Tommaso Feri join QuCoM in the University of Trieste node. We wish them good work!
4/10/2022 - 26/9/2022
QuCoM experimentalists continue to hold regular online meetings every second Tuesday of every month. At both experiment sites, Leiden and Southampton, there are setups which are used to detect gravity with levitated masses. These experiments are cryogenic and involved advanced vibration isolation techniques. Leiden labs are using tantalum superconductors and asymmetric…
Event: New Trends in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics 2nd Course Speaker: Mauro Paternostro Place: Erice - ETTORE MAJORANA FOUNDATION AND CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC CULTURE Date: 10 October 2023
Event: Quantum Morocco
Speaker: Mauro Paternostro
Place: Rabat Faculty of Science
Date: 22 September 2023
Event: Physics colloquium Speaker: Tjerk Oosterkamp Place: Groningen University Date: 21 September 2023
Quantum Science and Technology 8, 035006 (2023)
Gabriele Lo Monaco, Luca Innocenti, Dario Cilluffo, D A Chisholm, Salvatore Lorenzo and G Massimo Palma
Quantum information scrambling (QIS), from the perspective of quantum information theory, is generally understood as local non-retrievability of information evolved through some dynamical process, and is often quantified via entropic quantities such…
A quantum state is said to be objective if multiple observers are able to recover information about the state and agree among themselves. This is in turn possible only if said information was encoded multiple times into the surrounding environment. In this paper, we show how it is not always possible for the observers to…