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Collapse Dynamics Are Diffuse

Physical Review Letters 130, 230202 (2023) Sandro Donadi, Luca Ferialdi and Angelo Bassi Noninterferometric experiments have been successfully employed to constrain models of spontaneous wave function collapse, which predict a violation of the quantum superposition principle for large systems. These experiments are grounded on the fact that, according to these models, the dynamics is driven…

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Our paper “Collapse Dynamics Are Diffuse” just appeared on Physical Review Letters

We show that any dynamics collapsing the wave function in space implies diffusion in momentum. This is relevant since it means that, in order to test the validity of thiesse models, and in general of the quantum superposition principle, one can perform experiments, known as “non-interferometric”, which look for this diffusion effect. The main advantage…

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Project manager
Irene Spagnul
Department of Physics
University of Trieste


Co-funded by the European Commission’s
Horizon Europe Programme under GA 101046973

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