Quantum 7, 1074 (2023)
D.A. Chisholm, L. Innocenti, G.M. Palma
While the terms “redundancy” and “consensus” are often used as synonyms in the context of quantum objectivity, we show here that these should be understood as two related but distinct notions, that quantify different features of the quantum-toclassical transition. We show that the two main…
Communication Physics 6, 118 (2023)
L. Innocenti, S. Lorenzo, I. Palmisano, A. Ferraro, M. Paternostro, and G. M. Palma
Quantum extreme learning machines (QELMs) aim to efficiently post-process the outcome of fixed — generally uncalibrated — quantum devices to solve tasks such as the estimation of the properties of quantum states. The characterisation of their…
Quantum Science and Technology 8, 045018 (2023)
Ilaria Gianani, Alessio Belenchia, Stefano Gherardini, Vincenzo Berardi, Marco Barbieri, and Mauro Paternostro
Quantum coherence is a central ingredient in quantum physics with several theoretical and technological ramifications. In this work we consider a figure of merit encoding the information on how the coherence generated on average by…
npj Quantum Information 9, 86 (2023)
S. Hernández-Gómez, S. Gherardini, A. Belenchia, A. Trombettoni, M. Paternostro and N. Fabbri
We report the experimental quantication of the contribution to non-equilibrium entropy production that stems from the quantum coherence content in the initial state of a qubit exposed to both coherent driving and dissipation. Our…
Event: Italian Quantum Information Science (IQIS) Speaker: D.A. Chisholm Place: University of Trieste, Trieste Date: 18 September 2023
Event: Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics 2023 Speaker: José Luis Gaona Reyes Place: University of Trieste Date: 14 September 2023
Event: Foundamental Problems in Quantum Physics 2023 Speaker: D.A. Chisholm Place: University of Trieste, Trieste Date: 14 September 2023
University of Trieste, IT
13/9/2023 - 15/7/2023
Third school on quantum foundations dedicated to Prof. GianCarlo Ghirardi.
Quantum Mechanic is extremely successful in predicting experimental results and has a vast range of applications. Nonetheless, many unanswered questions remain. The school will introduce Master and PhD students to the still outstanding problems in our understanding of…
Event: Third school on quantum foundations dedicated to Prof. Giancarlo Ghirardi Speaker: Hendrik Ulbricht Place: UniTS, Trieste, Italy Date: 13 September 2023
Event: Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics 2023
Speaker: Anirudh Gundhi
Place: University of Trieste
Date: 13 September 2023